The Definitive Guide to Sauna Lights

Categories Sauna

sauna lights

Sauna Lighting

When it comes to picking out sauna lights, there’s a lot of information you should know, and few places to find it. You probably have a handful of questions you want answered.

How do you know what lights work in a sauna? Are they rated for high temperatures? Can I use a regular light bulb? Do the lights have to be specifically made for a sauna? We’re here to demystify all of this, and teach you everything you need to know about sauna lights.

First off, it’s important to know that yes, you do need special lights in a sauna that are rated for high temperatures. Otherwise, they will stop working after a few weeks or months, and you’ll be left having to replace them multiple times per year.

Different Types of Sauna Lights

It’s important to know the options you have when picking out sauna lights, and the difference between each. We’ll cover each in depth below.

Mounted Wall Sauna Lights

Mounts wall lights are the most common lighting choice you’ll find in a sauna. They provide ample light, are reliable in a sauna room, and are fairly easy to install. These lights are rated for temperatures of 180 degrees plus, so they should have no problem withstanding the heat in your sauna. 

You only feel any drawbacks from this light if you don’t want a direct light source. As we’ll cover below, some people like for softer, indirect light for a calmer, more relaxing atmosphere. If this is what you’re after, consider LED sauna lights below, or a combination of a wall mounted light, and LED off-lighting.

*A pro tip from our experts: don’t place your light directly above your heater. While they are rated for high temperatures, frequent exposure to the highest, harvest temperatures at a close distance can affect and diminish the lifespan of your sauna lights.

Pros: Great light exposure

Easy to install


Cons: Can wear out if directly above heater

Only direct light (if you want indirect light, you’re out of luck with this being your only light)

Mounted Overhead Lights

Mounted overhead lights in a sauna are less common, but still a viable option. They aren’t the best choice because they are mounted on the ceiling, the hottest part of the room, so even though they are rated for high temperatures, they will wear out in a few years if not sooner due to the constant exposure to high heat. They are a great light source, but not the best choice for durability and longevity.

Pros: Great light source

Easy to install

Cons: Wear out quicker than other lights

Only offer direct light.

Recessed LED Sauna Lights

Recessed lighting is a great looking source of light. If you want this look in your sauna, you want ot make sure you get LED lights that are rated for high temperatures. Like the overhead mounted lights we mentioned before, you’ll run into problems with them dying out quickly if you install them in the ceiling. If you’re going with recessed lighting, make sure you go with the correct lighting options like the ones listed below.

Pros: Nice aesthetic

Downlight option

Cons: Can wear out quickly if not correctly rated lightbulbs

LED Strip Indirect Lights

LED sauna lights are a phenomenal option because they are easy to install, provide a great light source, and have a good lifespan (high-temp options at least). Just like teh rest of the lights we’ve discussed, you need to get high-temperature lights that are rated for the range you’ll be getting your sauna up to. 

Pros: Great source of indirect light

Nice aesthetic

Easy to install

Cons: None

In summary, it’s really up to you what kind of lights you want in your sauna. It depends on what kind of light you want (direct vs indirect). But, we recommend a wall mounted light and or LED strip lights for an indirect lighting option.  The most important thing to remember is to make sure you get lights rated for high-temperatures.